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Flexible working

We understand that flexible working arrangements can benefit both employees and employers. Employees experience improved work-life balance, reduced stress and increased job satisfaction, while employers can gain higher retention rates, increased productivity and access to a broader talent pool. However, the success of flexible working depends on the type of role as well as effective communication and trust.

There are a number of types of flexible working we can consider for the right roles:

  • Flexitime: Varying start and end times within certain limits
  • Remote working: Working from locations other than the office, such as from home, at least for part of the working week
  • Compressed working week: Working longer hours on fewer days
  • Job sharing: Sharing the responsibilities and workload of a single full-time position between two or more people
  • Part-time: Working part of the week or term time only.

Staff can now make a request to work flexibly from day one.